6 May 2020

Working in the cloud without hassle​

I am also only just a user!​

The workplace; I just don’t want any hassle with that at all. As an employee of an IT company, I may be demanding. I want to be able to work anywhere. At our various offices, at home, at the customer’s location and sometimes my holiday. Open my laptop and continue seamlessly where I left off. Whenever and where I want to, and always quickly. But maybe that’s not being demanding at all. Being able to work independently of time and place has been a relevant issue for some time, but since the outbreak of the Corona virus, the step from trend to necessity seems to have been finalised.

“I am a horse for a mansion: if something doesn’t work or is not fast enough, I immediately start to squeel.”

I am a horse for a mansion: if something doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do or is not fast enough, I immediately start to squeel. But I have to. I have to deal with deadlines, customers expect a quick answer, and I would also like to work quickly. It’s about my productivity, but even more about my integrity. It’s the expectations that I myself have set with the customers, or colleagues who want something from me.

And all this has to be fully integrated with my tablet and mobile, both at home and on the road. Because my phone is my mini laptop and my connection to the world at times there’s no wifi connection available. To check my mail without fuss, respond, and move on. And all this must of course be done in a secure manner. In case I would lose my device, the data of my customers should not fall into the wrong hands. And I myself have to be able to continue with my work quickly.

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Just work without hassle​
So I really only want one thing: just work without any hassle. No more than a click away from everything I want to do. Simple, and setup the way I like it. As I am also very stubborn and used to my own way of working.

This is all well-organised at work. Everything is easily accessible after logging on my laptop or mobile, and all business applications I am allowed to use and communication channels are directly accessible via one central portal. MS Office, Teams, Sharepoint, CRM, the service portal, the purchasing channels, or the business knowledge database: everything under one roof, that of the cloud. This makes my laptop my phone, my knowledge database, my (collective) memory, my access to the world. Without a laptop I am nothing and nobody.

“My company has to organise quite a bit in the background to provide this situation. But once that's in place, it makes me productive and barely squeak.”

And is my laptop temporarily out of order? Then I can still access my mail and other information that I need via my phone and via web browsers. Is my laptop not to be saved? Then we will immediately arrange a replacement. I call this “working pleasantly”. I don’t have to arrange much myself: just the power, an internet connection (or hotspot via my phone) and taking good care of my stuff.

My company has to organise quite a bit in the background to provide this situation. But once that’s in place, it makes me productive and barely squeak. That’s how we do it for ourselves. But also for our customers. No fuss. Just being able to work pleasantly.

Want to know more? Check out Lango workspace or contact me.

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