Beyond the SLA: from tactical to strategic partnerships
It’s always good to be prepared for change. It’s even better to know which direction to choose to exploit this change to the fullest.
In the past 15 years, Solvinity has experienced all the major IT developments at first hand. From the advent of the cloud, to the huge changes set in motion by COVID-19 in the past year. We’ve continuously applied our knowledge on safe and reliable IT infrastructures to the rapidly-changing reality. This means we’ve constantly offering new solutions to make things easier for customers, while their resistance, flexibility and efficiency thrive.
In 2021, we will continue to collaborate with our customers on making their wishes a reality. In both a tactical and strategic sense, and always in a safe and future-proof manner. Here we look beyond the SLA, enabling us to advise our customers proactively on digitising the services they provide.
Putting the crisis to good use
When looking around at this moment in time, you immediately notice all the people who’ve started home renovations. As the corona crisis rules out expensive holidays for now, people have seized the opportunity to give their houses a serious makeover. We see a similar phenomenon in the business world. Many organisations make use of the current times to renew. This means that digital transformation is now back on the agenda. And rightly so; if there’s one thing the corona crisis has taught us, it’s that increased flexibility for digital solutions prepares companies far better for major changes.
However, you don’t merely innovate for its own sake; and unless it ties in with corporate strategy, transformation means little. Contemplating transformation can influence this strategy in various ways; the digital changes put in motion will create all kinds of new possibilities. In respect of new collaborations with other market players, for example, or the development of new business models and changes in product or service portfolios.
Digital transformation can have a huge impact on organisations. For this reason, it is important to thoroughly weigh up the options to be made in advance, as well as the directions you take once these changes are set in motion. Public Cloud solutions in combination with containerisation and the use of orchestration tools, such as Kubernetes, provide organisations with the option to quickly develop and market new service solutions now and in the future, to then either upscale or downscale these in accordance with market demand.
Purposeful innovation thanks to sound market knowledge
Flexibility by itself, however, is often not enough for organisations. Being an allrounder is great, but if you aren’t yet sure of where to head, that freedom of choice will only increase the uncertainty. This is why organisations are in dire need of guidance; which technological choices have what consequences for the organisation, where do the most advantageous opportunities lie, how will we recoup our investment and how can we ensure we remain close to our core despite all that’s changed? They often look at their IT Department for answers, but they as well don’t always have the knowledge to translate all the technical possibilities into business opportunities.
By familiarising ourselves with our customers’ markets as best as possible, we ensure that our technical knowledge suits their specific situation even better than before. This enables us to develop specific technical roadmaps that not only offer possibilities but also direction. Our customer teams are exploring the most significant short-term needs as well as the strategic objectives the organisation wishes to achieve – and which role the latest technological developments can fulfil in this regard.
In many aspects, 2021 will be an exciting and challenging year. But also a year in which much will happen. Organisations that have seized the opportunity to strategically prepare their infrastructure, working environment and their security for the inevitable restart of the economy, already have a head start in view of their competition. And we’re all set to immediately steer that restart in the right direction.
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